Very reliable and professional production partner

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In2Care's mission is to create scientifically sound products to combat disease-carrying insects with a view to improving the well-being of people. They focus on biological and affordable solutions to combat Malaria, Dengue, West Nile Virus, Chikungunya and other mosquito-borne diseases.

In2Care's developments are based on academic knowledge, and their business approach is transparent and honest.

They have the approval of several prestigious organisations, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the innovation grant from the UBS Optimus Foundation and the European Union (Framework 7 Health). Local support was provided by StartLife and PPM Oost/Gelderland for Innovations.

The collaboration between In2Care and Denka took off in 2013. In2Care's quest for a professional insecticide partner led them to Denka. Their extensive expertise in the product group and production, combined with all the necessary permits, was the deciding factor. "We haven't regretted our decision for a day; Denka is an excellent professional production partner," says Anne Osinga, inventor, entrepreneur and above all warrior against disease-causing mosquitoes at In2Care.


Where In2Care works hard to combat disease-carrying insects, we can see the similarity between the two companies. If extra effort is required from Denka and its production employees, they work hard to fulfil the agreements made. "And it always works out, to be honest."

Trust is therefore the key word in collaboration, whether it concerns quality, knowledge in the field of insecticides or flexibility: Denka has its affairs in order and keeps to its agreements.


"I would wholeheartedly recommend Denka as a very reliable and professional production partner." Anne Osinga. (June 2021)